
International Safety Guide for Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and comments regarding ISGINTT may be sent to the ISGINTT Secretariat using the contact form. Answers will be provided in due time and may be considered in the updating of the ISGINTT safety guide.

What is the purpose of ISGINTT?
The purpose of ISGINTT is to improve safe transport of dangerous goods at the interface of inland tank barges with other vessels or shore facilities (terminals). Safety is critical to the tanker industry. The authors of the Guide hope that the Guide will become the standard reference work on the safe operation of inland tank-barges and the terminals they serve. To do so, the Guide must keep abreast of changes in tanker design and operating practice, and reflect the latest technology and legislation.
Besides providing best known safety practices on the operation of tank-barges and terminals, it also embraces a risk based control philosophy. By enhancing risk awareness, ISGINTT seeks to foster an environment where the uncertainties associated with some shipboard operations are reduced not solely by prescription, but also by encouraging barge and terminal crew as well as their employers to identify the risks in everything they are doing and to then implement fit-for-purpose risk reduction measures. This puts the focus on people and is, therefore, entirely consistent with a strategy related to the human element.
Is a similar approach planed for other rivers?
ISGINTT is not restricted to a specific river system.
Does ISGINTT replace current legal requirements, such as the ADN?
ISGINTT does not replace or amend current legal requirements, but provides additional recommendations. The authors believe that ISGINTT will provide the best technical guidance on inland tank-barge and terminal operations. All operators are urged to ensure that the recommendations in this Guide are not only read and fully understood, but also followed.
Will ISGINTT replace the ISGOTT?
The ISGINTT will not replace ISGOTT. ISGOTT (i.e. the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals) will continuously be used for maritime activities whereas ISGINTT is meant for activities concerning inland navigation.
Is ISGINTT legally binding?
ISGINTT is not legally binding. The intention is not to replace or to amend current legal requirements, but to provide additional recommendations. ISGINTT is the result of best practices as recommended by the participating industry associations.
Is ISGINTT compatible with similar guidance for maritime shipping?
The safety guide will be compatible with international maritime guidance for sea going vessels. The OCIMF “International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals” (ISGOTT), 5th Edition and, for certain chapters dealing with gaseous products, the SIGTTO “Liquefied Gas Handling Principles on Ships and In Terminals” were used as templates to avoid gaps and assure compatibility in ship/barge interfaces.
Which is the relation between EBIS and ISGINTT?
EBIS (i.e. the European Barge Inspection Scheme) is referring to the given situation on board whereas ISGINTT aims to improve the work at the interface of barge and terminal.
How do you assure that interaction between processes and human factors are considered?
ISGINTT is a best practice guide that gives operational advice to assist personnel directly involved in tanker and terminal operations. It does not provide a definitive description of how tankers and terminal operations are conducted. It does however provide guidance on, and examples of, certain aspects of tanker and terminal operations and how they may be managed.
How could environmental organisations contribute to ISGINTT?
ISGINTT is not a platform for political discussions. It provides technical guidance for interaction between shore and barge and terminal personnel. Concrete and practical contributions of environmental organisations to the technical guidance may be included in a future revision of the ISGINTT.
How can I be informed about new developments concerning ISGINTT?
We will send information about important news concerning ISGINTT to all participants to ISGINTT events and all persons, who send us their details including e-mail-address. This information will also be available on the ISGINTT website at www.isgintt.org.
Are there also hard copies / books available for sale?
The ISGINTT safety guide is available electronically for free download here. Paper versions of the ISGINTT safety guide are available for the price of 150 € each. Please use the contact form to receive more information or to order copies.
Is a financing foreseen for schools that provide training for the use of ISGINTT?
A financing of ISGINTT training is not foreseen. However, education and training on the shore side as well as on board will be needed.
Do you plan to translate the ISGINTT into Spanish?
We are still looking for sponsors for additional translations of ISGINTT and for the preparation of first revision of ISGINTT. If sufficient funding would be available Spanish other languages may be an option.
What will happen with financial donations, if ISGINTT receives more money than was needed for translation into German, Dutch and French?
If the fundraising activity for the translation of the ISGINTT into German, Dutch and French would be so successful that it exceeds the amount needed for translations, the ISGINTT -Steering Committee will consider the necessity for further translation, or retain the donations on deposit to fund future translations of a future revision of ISGINTT.
What do you consider as a reasonable amount that could be transferred to support the ISGINTT?
The ISGINTT partners will be grateful for any amount to assist with the future work. Find the list of sponsors and the amounts given here.
If an organisation wants to become the partner for one entire language version of the ISGINTT: are incentives possible beyond the proposed link on the ISGINTT website and the mentioning in the ISGINTT Safety Guide itself?
If an organisation wants to ensure the translation into a language that goes beyond the three languages of the Rhine area, a special agreement would be needed. Please contact the ISGINTT Secretariat for more information using the contact form.
Which legislation regulates the use of return inert gas and a vapour return line for ship - shore operations at terminals?
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) requires in chapter 3.2, Table C a vapour return unit or system by each ship or shore cargo operation. Chapter 3.2.3 ADN, Table C, explanations to columns 7 and 20, require a closed barges tank system for the use and handling of inert gas or the stabilisation of the cargo and during cargo operations.

The vapour recovery requirement is based on European Parliament and Council Directive 94/63/EC of 20 December 1994 on the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stations the so-called "Stage I" directive.

For the USA these aspects are regulated by 49 CFR part 39 US Coast Guard.